Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Josie and the Kid Run

Today was the race expo for tomorrow's Dexter-to-Ann Arbor half marathon. They held a kids' fun run. Josie did the 50 yard dash for the 3 and under runners.

Getting congratulatory hugs from Mamma after the race. A side note: When I come back from running, Josie usually likes to ask "Mamma went running?......Like a doggy?" Yes, a doggy. It's more embarrassing when we're out and she sees someone running by and she says "They're running, like a doggy?"

Who's number 1? You're looking at her!

Josie admiring the "necklace" she got after the race (all of the kids got medals).

More possible album cover shots

Jack took these shots the other day across from the YMCA...the stripe-y dress and grey tones make me think they could be suitable for her indie rock album cover someday.

Running in the yard

Josie likes to run down the hill in the front yard singing a song that she calls "the Pine cone song." It goes like this: "Pine cone! Pine cone! Pine cone!"

She runs pretty fast, so it's hard to get a full shot of's her head speeding by.

Taking a quick break on the back porch.


Josie is obsessed with a playground in Chelsea (a town or two over) called Timbertown. She's only been twice, but she'll often say, out of the blue, "I went to Timbertown!" or "They're going to Timbertown!" in reference to a stuffed animal that she is playing with. If you'd like to see more of Timbertown, here's a link to their website:

Here she peeks through one of the portholes in her Timbertown "house."

Until next time, Timbertown.

Some early summer activities

Here's an assortment of photos highlighting a few of Josie's recent summer activities:

Josie concentrates on mastering the digger.

Every Saturday, we walk to the Downtown Home & Garden store to visit their resident cat, Louis. He's almost always conked out on the lawn furniture, as evidenced here.

The Ann Arbor pools opened up over Memorial Day weekend and we managed to get in a swim between rain storms.

All these summer activities (plus reading her exciting Kittens book) can tire a kid out!