Monday, May 26, 2008


Yesterday I went running for the first time in a long time. It was certainly the first major attempt at exercise since Josie was born, not to mention one of the few times I've been outside on my own since then for reasons other than doctor's visits.

I ran a little at the beginning of the pregnancy (in fact, it turns out that I ran some long training runs and a half marathon back in late July/early August in the early weeks before I realized I was pregnant. Whoops!), but this petered out to occasional rounds on the elliptical machine at the gym and then, near the end, not much exercise besides walking.

Now, hopefully, I won't have to feel so wistful when I see the many other runners out there. And maybe when Josie is bigger I can get her into a jog stroller and we can go running together.

PS That's an ID tag in the picture above, in case anyone is wondering what is on my shoe. It's an old shot of my foot from marathon training a few years ago. It identified me as being part of the training group and also served as ID in case of emergency. I've seen falls, crashes, illness and even a heart attack while out running--always a good idea to carry identification just in case.

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