Thursday, March 18, 2010

Josie is two!

Hey, I could get used to this birthday cuppy-cake thing!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring is Sprung

It was a beautiful day here in Ann Arbor. Here's a few photos of Josie frolicking in the playgrounds of the Arborview neighborhood. She's wearing her St. Patrick's Day sweater a day early.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Year Two in Review

In honor of Josie's upcoming 2nd birthday, here's some footage from the last year. It features her first tooth brush, our move to Michigan, her first haircut, a cameo by Ben and Solana, and dancing, dancing, dancing!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Just a few more cute pix

...Like this one.

And this one--here Jack was trying to get her to stand "so that the sun hits your face, Josie!" You can see that she's trying to "wipe" the sun off of her cheek.

Going to the bus stop--the photodocumentary

Josie likes to go and meet Mama at the bus stop at the end of the day sometimes. First she has to get Dada his shoes.

Then she says goodbye to Big KeeKee (she said "Night night, Big KeeKee...Love you, love you! like Mama says to her before bed [except Mama calls her Josie, not Big KeeKee]).

Here she is heading out.

She knows how to get to the bus stop and heads right down the sidewalk.

 brisk walking has caused my hat to tip jauntily to the side...

A brief stop to readjust the hat...there, that's better.

Cutiepie can do it! She walks up the stairs unassisted.

I told you Cutiepie could do it...let's keep walking...we're almost to Mama's bus stop!

We made to wait for the bus (and Mama!)

Mama! (Author's note: This is the best way ever to end the day...I love it when Josie and Jack are waiting for me at the bus stop!)

OK, Mama, you can hold Cutiepie's hand on the way down the stairs.

Basking in the sun

It's nice to sit on the steps when it's above freezing! Let's go for a walk to the playground!

Big girl swing

Josie has been attempting the big girl swing lately.

Snow cats!

Back when we had snow (seems like just yesterday), Jack built Josie a set of Snow Cats, pictured here to her right. The one farthest over has a hat made out of a shred of paper grocery bag...I'm not sure what the eyes are made of. These are not high-falutin' Snow Cats, by any means.

But Josie loves her Snow-KeeKees!

And then came the more Snow Cats.