Friday, August 6, 2010

All work and no play...

OK, maybe this makes me a bad mommy, but this picture of Josie*:

immediately made me think of this iconic image of Jack Nicholson from The Shining:

Jack pointed out that both of the above shots picture someone going kind of crazy at a lodge (Nicholson at the fictional Overlook Hotel and Josie during our stay at the Minnewaska Lodge in Gardiner, NY)

Just for kicks, here are some other Josie/celebrity look-alike shots from the past:

From Josie's male-pattern baldness days:

From Josie's first Halloween:

From Josie's days spent avoiding paparazzi on Division Ave. in Chicago:

*Yes, we know that we have been slacking on the posting-pix-to-the-Josie-blog front. No posts at all from July! Shameful. We will try to remedy this and have some pix from the recent trip out to NH in the works.

1 comment:

julie said...

i still think this is such a great post. i love it!