Saturday, December 18, 2010

Harriet heads home.

48 hours is the new standard hospital stay length for a C-section, so on Wednesday, December 8th we said goodbye to the UofM Mott Children's Hospital (where we had great care, by the way). I'm happy to be going home and possibly even more happy to have recently showered, even if I did forget a comb.

Harriet is bundled up in the hat that my coworker knit for her (thanks, e!) and a fleece onesie--this will be her first taste of the outside and it has gotten cold in Michigan! Harriet tried to delay the inevitable by promptly needing a diaper change as soon as we had her all ready to go.

Finally made it home...just in time for the holidays.

1 comment:

Miss E said...

Yay, it looks like a perfect fit! Welcome, Harriet!