Saturday, June 14, 2008

New outfit

We've started to break into the bag of larger clothes we've been saving for her, so Josie has a lot of new outfits coming her way. Here's a pic of Josie in a batik onesie that Aunt Pammy sent. I paired the onesie with some pink striped pants, knowing that Pam will approve of the color combination (but maybe not the patterns clashing). Josie is smiling up at the mobile that Auntie Beth sent and laying on the crib sheet that Auntie Megan sent (or maybe Auntie Maggie sent that--Megan's Viszla!). Lucky baby!

Someday I hope to be as fashionable as Aunt Pammy!

Eeek...lobstah attack! Hey, this is pretty fun!

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