Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tripp Trapp for Breakkies, Lunch and Din Din

We're getting ready to start Josie on solid foods. This morning we did a quick "test sit" in her new high chair (called a Tripp Trapp).

Josie is still leaning a bit since she's not quite able to sit up on her own, but once we get the straps figured out and adjusted properly, she should be fully secured in an upright position.

Here's a full-length view of the chair. You can adjust everything on it and the baby bar is removable. See how she has a nice footrest for a no-dangle effect? Eventually it can be used as a "regular" chair when she's a toddler and beyond.

It pulls right up to the table so that Josie can eat with us (once she starts eating, that is). So far, so good. We'll see what happens when we add food to the equation.

1 comment:

jjfantastic said...

i'm super jealous of your tripp trapp. i want one.