Sunday, August 24, 2008

Yes we can! (but we didn't)

Josie and I took the train to Springfield, IL yesterday with the intention of partaking in history by being among the crowd gathered to hear Obama officially introduce his running mate. Unfortunately, I underestimated both the temperature (near 90 and humid) and the size of the crowd and overestimated the availability of shade in Springfield and my own ability to cart around a baby and her bag of stuff through said humidity and crowd. When I realized that the line to get into the Old State Capital was blocks and blocks long even two hours before the gates were set to open and that it would be at least two hours after that until Obama and Biden would speak, I erred on the side of safety and sanity and called the day's adventure off and headed back to the train station to get an earlier train home. Here's a picture of her waiting in the Springfield station.

It was still a fun day, though. We met a lot of Obama supporters and Josie was a super-good train traveler. There was plenty of excitement at the train station, too, what with the motorcade passing through and stopping all train travel for a short time. Josie loved walking around in the Baby Bjorn (thanks, Nan!) and enjoyed taking the bus home from downtown. She was glad to see her Daddy after being gone all day and then slept like a log after her first train ride/failed political outing.

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