Sunday, March 9, 2008


OK...I'm getting kinda huge now, and it's not just the edema. Today the doctor said, "Did anyone tell you you've got a big baby in there? You do." When I asked her how she could tell, she pointed to my stomach and said "I just can."

This is week 36 which is a mere 4 weeks away from the standard 40 week "end of the road" marker. Most of what I've read says that generally people deliver between 38 and 42 weeks, so there's no telling when this will all go down.

And here are some pix of the strollers we assembled this weekend. The first is a car seat carrier (being test-driven by the sock monkey)...highly recommended by those in the know because you don't have to wake a sleeping baby to get them in and out. The other stroller is designed specifically with public transportation in mind...those front legs fold up quickly (or they will when we get the hang of the thing, I hope). We'll probably have to wait until she's bigger to use that one:

And, lastly for now, here are some pix of (just a few of many) cute things that we're getting excited about using. The shoes are a gift from Nan. The hot fuschia color doesn't quite come through in the photo. The next pic shows some of the cloth diaper covers (OK, maybe I'm a little more excited about using those than Jack is...he's still not sold on the cloth idea):

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