Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New rug--morning and afternoon

We have a new rug in the living room to replace the thin rag rug. Now we can spend more time with Josie on the floor doing tummy time or just laying back and relaxing as in this shot. She can also practice sitting up without us worrying as much about her falling over and whacking her head.

Here's a sitting-up shot. Mmmm...monkey paw.

The tree outside our window seemed to turn yellow overnight.

Josie's head is a little washed out in this photo, but I thought she was smiling in a nice way.

Josie likes to sit up!

Here's a shot from later in the afternoon. She's a little drooly in this picture--she's been slobbering all over her squishy toy.

I like this new rug!

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