Friday, April 18, 2008


Celia and I were both awake last night around 4:30 when we felt the building wobbling. As it turns out, it was a earthquake- a rare occurrence in Chicago.

Josie slept peacefully throughout the tremors. I think she would prefer it if the earth constantly quaked, since she doesn't like sitting still.

Here's a picture of Josie rolling through Smith Park, before the great quake of '08. The Sears Tower is barely visible in the distance.



sbreck said...

clear evidence that the end times are near. hope you got Josie baptized ;)

Arlie said...

The scariest thing about this story is that you were awake at 4:30 AM!!! The best part is I finally know someone who felt it. Cool.

Now Josie will be comfortable if she wants to move to California when she grows up.
